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Jonathan Hackman, Certified Public Accountant
Main Number 925-820-4400

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Jonathan Hackman is a Certified Public Accountant with extensive experience with entrepreneurial businesses and their owners and has specialized in providing services to clients involved in the financial industry.

Jonathan earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Duke University and began his career with BDO Seidman LLP (now BDO). After three years with this firm, he formed Isaacs & Hackman with the intent to create a consulting firm for high net worth individuals that has a strong focus on service. Jonathan has  extensive experience in business start-ups, investment management companies, all types of trusts, estate planning, and tax work for all entities and individuals.

Jonathan is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the California Board of Accountancy, the California Society of Certified Public Accountants, and Rotary International.